Naxal affected areas of India.. Chattisgadh, Orissa,Andra Pradesh,West Bengal,Bihar…now a days in television and news paper displaying “Naxal affected areas” as new synonym for these states especially states with hill lock and thick forest regions. Inefficiency of administration, poor literacy and corruption, poverty, hierarchies of society resulted in Naxalism and pro naxal ideas turned healthy hills into infected states. Negligence of leaders, ignorance of people for decades along with geographical conditions of states incubated the infection and failures of administration and lack of sincere effects of our leaders boosted the growth of Monster..infront of which our MPs are finding instant solutions.
Sitting in city like Bengaluru ,I can only imagine circumstances which have made people of affected states to lose faith and hopes in democracy and took path of starting parallel government to justify their theories to establish social environment of their dream. Only when massacre of Danthewada killed unprepared policeman and blowup railway tankers carrying fuel in Bihar I started looking into the reason for this infection .
My thoughts started wandering around why they are making destruction to appear in news like this? if they are really willing to change the life of downtrodden people around them why they don’t uplift the needy people and show their patriotism? Why they are interested in showing their power with destruction but not with the construction? can construction ,development occur with collapsing the faith of people?
We have examples around us ,these kind of fights never fetch anything to anyone in any part of the world. LTTE ..a private army in Srilanka fought for their rights. They had well flourished financial flow to support them, separate navy was example for it. My mind started relating circumstances and results of LTTE with naxalism. Decades of fight fetched nothing but failure of their fight and leaving lakh as refugees and thousands death without any positive result. I believe instead of making their war as a mass suicidal attempt proper canalization of their energy and courage could have fetched some success. Building army and training soldiers to kill and attack they could have utilized it in building leaders among them.
We have examples around us ,these kind of fights never fetch anything to anyone in any part of the world. LTTE ..a private army in Srilanka fought for their rights. They had well flourished financial flow to support them, separate navy was example for it. My mind started relating circumstances and results of LTTE with naxalism. Decades of fight fetched nothing but failure of their fight and leaving lakh as refugees and thousands death without any positive result. I believe instead of making their war as a mass suicidal attempt proper canalization of their energy and courage could have fetched some success. Building army and training soldiers to kill and attack they could have utilized it in building leaders among them.
Now my land facing sort of similar problem… same question raising again….do such kind of fights fetch any fruit to any one..? violence never answered any questions, Our Freedom struggle is itself an example for it .Great son of Indian Soil how loved his mother land than anything in this world Bhagat Sigh who believed in revolutionary ideas to bring freedom but during his last days in prison he adopted nonviolence. His request of treating prisoners in a respectable manner with in prison was approved only by his Ahimsa, Upawasa sathyagraha for 63 days. Voice for equality and demand of prosperous life can be heard when voice is clear and in audible rage .Killing soldiers and showing their techniques on railways racks to kill people never make them acceptable as worriers of welfare. Blood and bomb blast are hiding actual purpose of fight, their demands are become inaudible with these violence .
As a proverb says ”To succeed change your direction ..not the boat”…for that matter naxals have take separate boats to sail on the ocean where majority of people are prosperous under Indian democracy.Naxals need different directions rather than changing new boat. They are fighting for their communities with their own people. Fighting with different theory which is irrational in democratic country .Naxal movements in hills and woods have shadow under their lamps too. The upcoming generation in hills is getting directly affected by this contagious infection and mind set is not allowing them to accept the treatment and disease not allowing democratic rules to reach out for needy hands.
As a proverb says ”To succeed change your direction ..not the boat”…for that matter naxals have take separate boats to sail on the ocean where majority of people are prosperous under Indian democracy.Naxals need different directions rather than changing new boat. They are fighting for their communities with their own people. Fighting with different theory which is irrational in democratic country .Naxal movements in hills and woods have shadow under their lamps too. The upcoming generation in hills is getting directly affected by this contagious infection and mind set is not allowing them to accept the treatment and disease not allowing democratic rules to reach out for needy hands.
Instead of utilizing all the energy, knowledge in blowing up fuel tank, derailing the railway track, killing innocent citizens in accidents, defending their theories by killing CRPF Jawans,the same courage ,potential and knowledge can be used utilized in building a powerful leaders among them. When politicians are utilize human resource and situation to cook their soups , I strongly believe that potential power of Naxals and their groups can definitely get true support and platform to reach their goal and in that effort true patriotic leaders of country give their hands to pull the chariot towards success.
I seriously wonder if naxals can get finance and support for deletory acts ..why can’t they get true support from people around them for Nobel reasons?.If their fight is for their community then defiantly people need a leader to rise voice on behalf of them .Naxal leaders should think in line of standing as leaders for people rather than gunning down soldiers to prove their calibers. Voice of People with Efficient leaders will reach the administrative walls and world too.
Let them lamp the light of welfare in huts as leaders and built a healthy environment for upcoming youth .Sincere efforts of leaders and democratic government will help in treating disease and directions towards growth will eradicate infections in any form. Altogether Naxals view need to change their directions …definitely not in separate boat…
I agree violence should be an absolute last resort, but please offer an one will listen to these people, what is another option for them? no one is willing to fight for them so they are fighting for themselves.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your valuable comments...but violence is fruit less tree and i feel naxalas are climbing it instead of planting seed which can give fruit and shade to their upcoming generation ..